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Life at Oakland
Our Staff
Come Visit Us!
Sunday: 9:15 am Journey Groups
10:30 am Morning Worship
6:00 pm Prayer Room
Wednesday: noon - Prayer Room
6:30 pm Midweek Service
Sunday, October 6
Switch It Up Sunday!
We're going to switch around our Sunday mornings, starting October 6. Sunday School/Journey Groups will meet at 9:15 am, following by the Worship Service at 10:30am.
Sunday, October 6
Baptism Sunday
Join us as we celebrate new lives in Christ! If you're interested in baptism, sign up in the LINK or speak with Pastor Michael.
Sunday, October 27
Souper Bowl Sunday
OK, it's only October! But is there a better time to gather together, following the Sunday service, and share a meal of soups? Watch for details...
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